Thursday, October 18, 2012

And Elton arrives, too!

Made a mad dash to Memphis last night because our daughter-in-law, Kathe, had an emergency C-section (5 weeks early). Little Elton Glyn Logan was born at 7:35 pm, 3 pounds, 10 ounces, 16 inches long. Mother and child are doing super! He was a bit bigger than expected, so that's a good thing, and he cried immediately, which showed good lung development. He'll be in hospital for a few weeks, probably, but we are very thankful for our new grandson.

I feel more pencil portraits coming on. Here's one I did of his dad, Evan, when he was a baby. I used to do a lot of these, but it dropped off over time. Still need to do one of my youngest! Elton may beat him out.


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