Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God Smiles

Worship is when God smiles.

I think he sees a deer lapping water and smiles.
I think he sees oxygen pouring from green trees and smiles.
I think he smiles when he sees babies laughing at their daddies making faces.
I think he smiles when he sees a teenager grasping the hand of her great-grandmother.

He smiles when water evaporates into the sky, then gathers in a cloud, just to return to the earth again in a cooling rain.

I think he smiles when a light bulb comes on, because when a man named Tom Edison discovered how to do that it was like God said, "YES!" I've been waiting for someone to figure that out."

I think he smiles when a fifty year-old woman opens her child's memory book and a lock of hair falls out, just as delicate and silky as the day she first cut it.

I think he smiles because he loves seeing us do the things he created us to do.

Do you think he smiles a lot? I think he does.

Our job is to find out what we were created to do and do it, so He will smile more.


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